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Talk 4 Reading

Talk4Reading focuses on developing the children’s ability to comprehend a variety of texts including poetry, non-fiction and narratives. It is a 3-phase process that aims to enable children to be confident readers, who can accurately gather information, think deeply about other people’s views and experiences and become curious and empathetic about the world around them.


In the first phase (the introduction phase) children learn to read the text fluently and with confidence. Younger, and less confident readers have the text read to them, so that they can still take an active part in the lesson. They will be encouraged to join in where they can. By the end of this phase, all children will have made some initial responses about what the text might be about and how it has affected them. Thinking is still at a basic level.


The next phase (the investigation phase) is designed to deepen the children’s thinking through discussion and debate. The children will explore the core purpose of the text. Drama and writing response activities help the children to build a relationship with the text, allowing them to examine the vocabulary, setting and characterisation. By the end of this phase, the children should be able to summarise and evaluate their reading.


The third phase (the independent phase) allows the children to demonstrate their new learning. This can be done through writing about the text, writing in a similar style, or by answering in depth questions.
