At Asquith, we understand the importance of supporting language development. We ensure a language rich environment through daily stories, rhymes, songs and role play. We provide lots of opportunities for talk during the day. Adults play with and alongside children adding in new words and phrases, extending sentences and describing things that are happening. We encourage talk and are genuinely interested in what the children have to say.
We provide hands on experience to encourage learning and provide a context for new words. When learning about fruits and vegetables, we open our market stall with real produce for children to touch and explore. We make fruit salads, muffin pizzas and fruit kebabs so that children can taste and describe the new foods. When introducing a new story, we use puppets and props to support children's understanding of the story and the new vocabulary within it. When reading Whatever Next, children love climbing into a box, wearing wellington boots and a colander on their head, ready to blast off to the moon! Through these fun, playful activities children are able to learn and use new words.
We also provide lots of open ended resources such as conkers, buttons, wooden blocks, shells and dough. These encourage language development through creativity, imagination, collaborative play and problem solving.