At Asquith Primary School, our intent is for our children to access a vocabulary rich, experienced based curriculum, through which they develop the substantive and disciplinary knowledge to question, debate, investigate, discover, interpret, present and challenge scientific matters about their ever-changing world. Through our curriculum drivers, all stakeholders seek to provide a high-quality learning environment and curriculum which facilitates the inquisitive nature of our children and creates a sense of awe and wonder about the world around them. Our broad and balanced curriculum, supplemented by enrichment and extra-curricular activities, encourages our children to make conscious, informed choices throughout their lives, to contribute positively to society, and to have the understanding to interpret their world. Our school community has high percentages of disadvantaged, SEND and EAL children: Leaders ensure that inclusivity and accessibility are prioritised.
Our curriculum is centred around encouraging children to question and challenge their interpretations of their world. We are working to implement a child-led approach which facilitates the process of investigation and discovery, with the aim of creating ‘light bulb moments’. When these moments occur, we aim to celebrate the curiosity and scientific working of our children and provide opportunities for children to confidently present and discuss their findings. The process of exploring and investigating and then discovering, presenting and discussing enables our children to know more and remember more.
Our progression framework ensures that all statutory content in the early years foundation stage framework and the national curriculum is taught to all children. The progression framework ensures that the knowledge, skills and understanding developed in previous years are the starting point for learning and that we have an awareness of the next steps for our children. Therefore, we ensure that learning is sequential and progressive within each year group as well as from EYFS through to year six. Scientific vocabulary and practical scientific skills are incorporated throughout our curriculum. The vocabulary section of our progression framework encourages children to develop their ability to read, spell, understand and pronounce scientific vocabulary in a progressive structure appropriate to their age range.
Our curriculum is specifically designed to suit the needs of our children at different stages of their education: in EYFS science forms part of our children’s daily provision; in key stage 1 science is weaved throughout our topic; and in key stage 2 science in taught in discrete units of work as outlined in the national curriculum. Through our eco-clubs and forest schools programme we aim to use our whole school site to maximise our children’s scientific experiences.
All our children will know more, remember more, and understand more about the world around them. When children leave Asquith, they will be more confidence and more knowledgeable in questioning and challenging, exploring and investigating, and then discovering, presenting, and discussing science in the world around them. Our children will develop the skills required to become individuals who throughout their lives make conscious, informed choices, contribute positively to society, and who are curious to explore and interpret the world around them.