Children in Foundation 2 through to year 2, are individually assessed every half term (6 weeks) as part of our Read Write Inc. program by our school Reading Leaders. This data is then used to ensure children are placed in specific phonic groups that meet their needs, and ensure take home books are matched accurately to their reading ability.
Once children have completed Read Write Inc. they move onto Accelerated Reader.
Children complete a baseline assessment (Star Assessment) at the start of the year which determines their Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). This ensures children read books that will enable them to make the greatest progress. Once children have read a book, they take a short quiz which ensures they have understood what they have read. Star assessments are completed every term to ensure children are reading books at their correct level.
Each term we also use PIRA Assessments from year 1 to year 5, to provide accurate summative assessments of the children’s reading ability, both their mechanics of reading and their comprehension and understanding. Year 6 are assessed using past SATs papers.
Please see the leaflet below for more information on Accelerated Reader.