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Autumn 2024

What we will be learning this half term

Emotions: We have been learning about different emotions. We looked at our faces in a mirror and pulled different faces - sad, happy, angry, worried. We made different emotions using playdough. Next we used some of our self regulation strategies, such as taking deep breaths or counting to 10. Once we had done this we changed our play dough faces to happy!

We have been learning about different emotions. We had fun pulling diffferent emotion faces and naming the emotion.

The Little Red Hen - We read The Little Red Hen. Then we tasted different breads from around the world. We talked about how they looked, smelt and tasted. We learnt some new adjectives to use when describing things.

We baked our own bread just like the Little Red Hen

Autumn - We went for a walk looking for signs of autumn

Police Visit - We had a visit from the local police. They told us all about what police do and how they help to keep us safe.

We learnt all about the artist Wassily Kandinsky. We had a go at creating our own art in his style
