All children are sent home with reading books that closely match their current level. If your child is on read write inc, their books are changed once a week. If your child is on accelerated reader, their books can be changed once they have been read thoroughly.
Reading is vital to help your child progress at school and is very enjoyable too! For this reason, we ask that children read at home 4 times per week.
Children that achieve this each week will be celebrated in their classes.
If you would like any support with reading with your child at home, please contact your child's teacher.
All children have a log in to the 'Numbots' app, which can be downloaded at home for free. Your child's log in details can be found in the front of their reading diary.
The same log in details can also be used to access the 'Times Tables Rockstars' app for year 2 children.
Both these apps help children develop their maths skills in a fun way. We ask that children access these apps for 20 minutes per week.