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Day 2

It was a VERY early start to the day, with some of the children waking up at 5am! After a three-course breakfast of cereals, bacon and eggs, followed by toast, they had time to relax for an hour before the coach collected us.


The children were blown away by the size of Chatsworth House and the hundreds of sheep that wander around outside it! We had a steady stroll around the farmyard and fed the sheep and goats. We were extremely lucky to see some piglets that were only a few hours old. By 11.45 everyone was hungry again, so we had lunch. They were then able to spend a bit of time on the fantastic adventure playground.


Back at base, they had some free time to play board games, table tennis, colour and have some more time on the park before the heavens opened and it rained for the rest of the evening. Tea tonight was sausage and mash, followed by jelly and ice cream, which went down well.


This evening was movie night. Pjs, teddies and blankets, with a mini interval for hot chocolate and biscuits. The girls all decided they wanted their hair platting, which kept Mrs J and Mrs Raybold busy for most of the film! A slightly earlier bedtime than last night – it must be all that fresh air today!  
