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Forest Schools

First time I've remembered to take photos of this group of children! We made stick shapes, trying our best to make a star if we could! We made bird feeders, tying a cow hitch knot and made Christmas cakes in the mid kitchen!!

What a great session! Everyone loved hapa zome!! We put leaves in the middle our pieces of material, found a stone and bashed them until the sap and the colours from the leaves and flowers came through. Lovely item to take home. Then we played in the mud and with conker run. They didn't want to go home!!

Over the past few weeks we have been using a bowsaw to cut wood for our next fire and most recently cutting a piece of wood to take home to keep for ourselves. We have learnt about how to hold and use a bowsaw using a Forest school tool talk. Figuring our which side of the bow saw to sit, remembering the respect position, which hand needs a glove and keeping ourselves safe is tricky and needs lots of concentration. The photos were taken while we were practicing with the blade cover on or when we had an adult to supervise. Everyone enjoyed this challenge! Thank you to Miner to Major Community Grant for the money to buy many items of Forest School equipment and resources that we will be able to use into the future to make sure our children love the outdoors and have challenges like this.

Our New Forest School Shed has been installed!! This means all our resources can be held in one place and we can set up, tidy away and respond during each session so much quicker. The children can also help with these activities too. If we need to change the focus of a session, we can find new resources and respond to the children needs so much more easily than before. Thank you to TESCO for the grant to allow us to purchase the shed and have it installed. Also a big thank you to everyone who voted for the school in the in-store voting earlier this year. Your support meant we were given enough funding to buy and install The Shed.

Year 2 - 2B out and about building shelters and finding out about animal shelters

2K - moving around the site, over the river, swinging over the gorge and making maps of the site.

Exploring the site - 2K learning about compass points, moving round the site and making maps of the site.

Year 2 Forest School - finding out what it's all about, playing 123 Where are you?, and foraging for things to talk about about. Good time had by all plus lots of learning. They all listened very well and the next few weeks are going to be great!

Forest School - last session for the time being with year 1. We made snowmen, played a 'Reindeer Game', and played with our woodland puppets and parachute. A Great Big Thank you has to go to Mansfield Building Society who gave us a grant to buy the parachute and the woodland puppets.

Mrs Anbar's class went outside today. We had wellies and waterproof trousers on! We made mini dens, played a weaving game, did weaving on the fence to make a spiders web plus made leaf flags, so had a go at knot tying! Then we came in!! Brrr!

Forest School - Mrs Brown's Class make small dens for their stone troll or a animal! The hammocks went down very well too - the children loved them.

Nov 2021 Year 1 - Forest School - 1R making stone trolls and leaf collecting

Oct 2021 1B Forest school adventures

Forest School Learning - Week 9

Forest School Learning - Week 8

Forest School Learning - Week 7

Forest School Learning - Week 6

Forest School F2 - Week 5

Forest learning in F2 - Week 4

Forest Learning - Week 3

Forest Learning - Week 2

Forest School Learning with Outside Provider Lee Cook - F2 Week 1

Places in school where we do our Forest Schools work
