Our Curriculum
At Asquith Primary School we define learning as a long term change in knowledge, skills or understanding that builds on previous study and experience. Our aims are to ensure that our children experience a wide breadth of study and, at the end of their primary education, have long-term memory of an ambitious body of knowledge, skills and understanding. We have high aspirations for all children to achieve, regardless of differences in ability, social background, culture, race, gender or disability.
Our curriculum has three key phases;
Our knowledge of our children, their backgrounds, their experiences and their community has enabled us to identify four key drivers that form our intent and run throughout our curriculum; Oracy, Reading, Life Skills and Experiences.
Our curriculum balances the National Curriculum and an all-encompassing range of experiences that allow our children to flourish. Clear strategic planning allows the curriculum to be adapted to the context of the school and children's needs. Further details regarding content, planning and delivery can be found on individual subject pages.
Through the effective delivery of a tailored curriculum that values the holistic child we intend our impact to be such that when a child leaves Asquith they are a well rounded individual, confident in their own abilities, who has achieved in all areas and is ready to move on to the next stage of their lives.
See below for further details.