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Our learning

School Year 2024- 2025


Our amazing topics this year are...


Autumn Term -

Geography - UK Counties and Cities

History - Stone Age - Iron Age

Spring Term -

Geography - Urban and Rural Land Use and the Water Cycle


Summer Term -

History - Early Civilisations - Egypt


Other areas of the curriculum being covered this year...


Science - Rocks, States of Matter, Living Things and Their Habitats, Light and Sound

Music - Drumming, Ukelele and Keyboard

Art - Portraits, Landscapes and Coil Pots

DT - Textiles, Food and Structures

ICT - Programming A, Data and Information, Programming B

RE - Religion, Family & Community and Prayer, The Journey of Life and Death, Spiritual Expression


Further details about our whole school curriculum can be found in the 'key information' folder.


Our half termly newsletters also contain more details about our current learning.


You can check out photos of our learning & other activities on our 'Celebration of Learning' page. 
