On Wednesday 8th January we welcomed Chloe and her team from Severn Trent. Chloe supported the learning about the topic of water, by delivering a workshop about sewage and how we need to be careful about what we flush down the toilet! The children then were set a challenge to clean a sample of dirty water!
Chloe then talked through the afternoon about the brand new planters that have been installed around school. We are very lucky as we are the only school in Mansfield to receive these planters. They are very special as the use the rainwater from our roof to water the plants, instead of that water going down the drain! This is part of a whole programme of activities Severn Trent are undertaking around the Mansfield area to reduce flood water in the area. Chloe then lead an assembly for KS1 and KS2, talking about the work Severn Trent does.
Pictures to follow!