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Key Stage 1 - Year 1

Year 1 Art Exhibition

Meet Our Year 1 Librarians

Year 1 Multi-Skills Sports Event

Sherwood Forest - we had a lovely time and learned so much. Thank you so much to 'Alpkit' for their funding towards our trip, that covered the cost of the transport!

Remembrance 2023

The Garden in my Living Room Performance

School Year 2023 - 2024

School Year 2022 - 2023 

Forest School

What an amazing time we have had doing Forest School. We have learnt about worms, flowers, trees, birds, seeds, mudpies and much, much more! Thank you to Mrs B for giving the children this fantastic opportunity. 


Forest School - Session 4 - Irwin Class

Birds! We spent the afternoon learning about different types of birds and finding out about their bird calls. We also used binoculars to look for birds - it was great fun!  

Forest School Session 3 - Coleman Class 

What a wonderful afternoon we had a forest school. This week was all about trees! We recapped some of the learning that we had been doing in science to understand more about the trees in our forest school area. We looked at the differences between the trees, particularly the leaves. We also did some leaf and bark rubbings, and observational drawings of trees. Of course, we also did some of our favourite activities - digging for worms and making mud pies!  



Forest School...Session 3 Irwin Class

Forest School - Session 2 Irwin Class 

Forest School Session 2 - Coleman Class WORMS!

Road Safety Visitors May 2023

Exhibition at Mansfield Museum

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To end our topic, Home is Where the Heart is, Year 1 created thier own clay relief tiles of houses. These were put on display at Mansfield Museum. On the last day of term, all the children went do to the museum to see thier work. It will be on display for the next few weeks in the Buxton Watercolour Exhibition.

World Book Day 2023

Today we celebrated World Book Day with lots of lovely activities that promoted reading for pleasure. During the morning, a number of staff piched thier favourite books before the children chose thier favourite to go and listen to. They enjoyed listened to stories from the amazing Tales from the Heartwood. In the afternoon, we did a book blanket, sharing all the lovely books that the children brought in from home. The day ended with biscuits and hot chocolate, listening to some of our favourite stories. 

Sherwood Forest

Although we got a little wet, and we couldn’t do the activities that we had planned, we still had a great day learning about the history of Sherwood Forest and Robin Hood. We learnt how trees were used as 'markers' to help people find their way through the forest rather than maps. Some of the children's favourites were the Old Lady, Sitting Duck, The Stag, and of course, the famous Major Oak. They also discovered that only 'The Crown' were able to hunt in the forest, and anyone else that was caught poaching had their hand chopped off! Some interesting discussions were had over whether Robin Hood was goof for helping to feed the villages with animals from the forest, and stealing money from the rich, or bad from breaking the law and stealing. The day ended in the classroom learning about medieval life and some of the weapons that were used by knights. 

Mansfield Museum

Today we went to Mansfield Museum to look at the Buxton Watercolour Exhibition. We learnt that the artist, Albert Sorby Buxton, was originally from Mansfield. He has painted 130 pictures of Mansfield around 1900. We used these paintings to help us learn about what Mansfield was like in the past. We recognised some buildings that are still in Mansfield now, such as the Victoria hotel, the railway bridge, the marketplace, and the old town hall. The children were also able to identify lots of differences, including materials that the buildings were made from, horse and carts, chickens in the streets, windmills, and different shop fronts. On the long walk back up the hill to school, the children enjoyed spotting old buildings that were made out of stone and buildings that they saw in the paintings.     

Dazzle Box!

Key Stage 1 had very exciting delivery today! There were lost of guesses as to what could be in the box, including chocolate, toys and a pet!!!  Howerver, they were very excited to see that it was lots of brand new books for our library. The 'Dazzle Box' will spend a week in each classroom, giving the children the oppertunity to look at the books, before they into our key stage 1 library to be enjoyed by all children. Some of thier favourites were: The Marvellous Doctors for Magical Creatures, Pick a Story, and We're going to Find the Moster! 


Key Stage 1 had a lovely visit this morning from the theatre company, Perform. They had a great time taking on different roles of circus performers, partcularly the cheeky clown and the ring master! The children will be brining home flyers with more information after after school drama clubs in the area. 

This years nativity - Wriggly Nativity

2022 - 2023


As part of our work around Remembrance, Year 1 have learnt about the significance of poppies, and how they grew in the fields where battles were fought. As well as creating their own poppy for our infant display, each child also created their own picture of the poppy fields using water colours and oil pastels. 

Thank you to everyone that came to our Year 1 Parent Meeting. If you were unable to attend, please feel free to have a little look at the PowerPoint from the meeting below. If you have any questions, please email Mrs Raybold or Mrs Brown.  

2021 - 2022


At Vicar Water we also made clay guardians for our dens, found some troll back scratchers (teasel seed heads) and lots of other spiky plants! And lots of lots of grasshoppers! Thank you to Miner to Major for the funding to allow us to go on this trip.

Year 1 went to Vicar Water to learn all about Sherwood Forest and to experience den making in the woods for our woodland animal puppets. We also took a walk up a steep hill and looked around the butterfly meadow and made art out of things we found. We had a great day! These photos

In honor of the Queen, all the children in school had a wonderful day celebrating her Platinum Jubilee! In year 1 we spent the day, creating crowns, colouring in flags, making jam sandwiches and then we have a picnic with the whole key stage on the field! It was very windy but still a lot of fun!

This year we we're unable to do a Christmas Play production due to Covid. But what we could do is record the children singing some of the songs we practised.

The children tried so hard. We Hope you like it!

Title of the song - We're Gonna Run (Published by Starshine Music,

Title of the song - This Way To Bethlehem (Published by Starshine Music,

KS1 Parent/Carer Phonics Information Video

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Miss Kelly has created this video for you to watch to find out all about how we teach phonics at Asquith. Within the video you'll also find out about phonics screening check.