6G - Monday and Wednesday
5/6A - Monday and Thursday
5S - Tuesday
On PE days your child will need to arrive at school in their PE kit and will stay in PE kit all day.
If your child has an extra-curriculum club that is sport-related they will also need to arrive at school in their PE kit that day.
Children in year 5 will attend swimming lessons every Monday. Please see the information below for more information about swimming.
This is a special year for year five. They won't be swimming for one term, they will be swimming for all three! As a school, we have decided that swimming is an essential life skill and we do not want to let our students miss out on this skill because of Covid.
Remember, swimming is part of the National Curriculum, therefore your child MUST take part in these lessons. We are aware that some children are nervous about swimming, but these lessons are there to build their confidence in water and teach them life skills. If you or your child are worried about swimming, please talk to your class teacher.
Swimming will be every Monday afternoon, for all Year Fives. Please make sure your child brings their full swimming kit and a coat to school. The kit must include:
- swimming suit (no bikinis) / swimming shorts (not pockets or pockets sewn shut)
- a towel
- goggles (if grown-ups have signed the goggle permission slip)
- waterproof bag to carry everything
Unless there is a medical reason, please don't send shampoo, conditioner, lotion or hair brushes with your child.
Children with earrings must take them out AT HOME before coming to school. They cannot swim in the lesson if they have earrings in and they can't take them out themselves.
Thank you to all parent volunteers who come and monitor the safety of the children in the pool. Without you, we wouldn't be able to complete our lessons! If you're interested in becoming a parent volunteer, please speak with your class teacher.